Non Denominational,Civil,Tea Ceremonies
and more in my career as a wedding photographer.
But I had only seen a few images from what appeared to be such a beautiful ceremony.
that sang during various parts of the ceremony.
The Priest shared the several stages of the marriage rites, which was a little different from what some of the guests may have been used to.
The rite of Marriage contains two parts:
the Betrothal, and the Crowning. At one
time, it was common practice to perform
these two rites separately, the betrothal being
the "engagement" service, and the
Crowning being the actual wedding.
Today,these two rites are celebrated together as
one whole rite of matrimony.
The rite of Marriage contains two parts:
the Betrothal, and the Crowning. At one
time, it was common practice to perform
these two rites separately, the betrothal being
the "engagement" service, and the
Crowning being the actual wedding.
Today,these two rites are celebrated together as
one whole rite of matrimony.
Look for more images from this wedding on my web site soon.